Saturday, December 19, 2009

Texas Whitetails

December 7-13, 2009 I went to Maryneal, Texas for a deer hunt. I had a great time and made some new friends. Cal Workman, Larry & Shawn Larson, Ken & Kendrick Wilson (Rock Springs), Don Gifford (Provo), Dee Ray Gifford (Lubbock). We killed 15 deer, 10 pigs and a few other critters. It was a blast.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jolley's Pharmacy

Our store is one of 4 Jolley's Pharmcies in the Salt Lake Valley. Our store is located at 8806 South Redwood Road in West Jordan. I have enjoyed owning my own business and only wish I would have done it sooner. I have great employees and a great partner, Mardy Jolley. We continue to grow even in this tough economy. I hope we continue to do well. Check out some pics.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

SHHS Cross Country

Kaylynn is running on the cross country team this year, she enjoys it and it is also helping her with her competitive cheer team that she is on. It has cause some pain on me though, I have run 3 - 5k's this Summer. I have posted better times each time but it is a tough way to start a perfectly fine Saturday morning.

Please don's let us die!

Santaquin pole canyon September 12, 2009. Today is the first day of the Pine Hen Hunt. My Dad did not want to get up too early and go so I waited for Laura to wake up and took JoAnn, Laura and Zane, oh yea, and the dogs(Wisk and Sammy).
We took the Rhino and had a good ride. We found 4 horny toads, lots of rocky trails and no chickens. A few places the trail was a bit rough and Laura and Zane sat in the back repeating "Please don't let us die, please don't let us die" over and over and over and over again. When it was all over Laura did say it was fun. Zane liked the BB gun shooting and JoAnn and I liked the views from up on the top. We could see all of Utah Valley and even down to Mona on the South. I guess I need to do a few more adventurous things with them to toughen them up.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

DC 2009

This year the Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference was held in DC. JoAnn and I went and left the kids home. We had a great trip. We did get to sight see some and took care of business as well. It was amazing to stand in some of the great historical sites and see them with our own eyes. The tomb of the unknown soldier was very awe inspiring. The Washington and Lincoln monuments are huge. We were able to see the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution. They were in the National archives and they keep it dark to preserve the documents. No flash photography is allowed so the pics we took were hard to see. Cardinal reserved the Air and Space museum on night and so we had dinner and the whole place to ourselves. It was cool to see all that stuff in actual size.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grand Canyon

We stayed at Jacob's Lake the first night.
We drove back to Kanab for Dinner and to kill some time.
The next day we went to the Grand Canyon, North Rim.
We took a mule trip down into the canyon and that is the only way to see the inside of the canyon. Those who hike down and back are crazy.
We went to several view points and went on a few easy hikes.
Dinner in the lodge was fun. We had a view of the canyon that made the bill almost seem worth it. Even Zane said "This was funner than I thought it would be" so, I guess we had a good trip.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mason at the Farm

My Brother Tyler's son, Mason.

He was not too sure about the chickens.
Mason and Zane driving the tractors
Laura taking Mason for a ride on Visa
Aunt JoAnn supervising
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She is doing well and is taller than Charlie, but not as big.

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What color is he going to be?
We keep waiting and he keeps changing.
He is getting calmer all the time.
Laura keeps playing with him and so that helps.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

4 Wheeler trip

June 29, 2009

Marysvale Utah

Randy Johnson put together a ride to show off the beauty of the Beaver mountians. We had a good day, nice weather and good company. It was great to spend the day with my Dad as well.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

New babies

Misty(palimino) gave birth to a horse colt on May 15th at 5:30pm. Laura and her friend Kelsey were out in the yard when it happened and they saw the birth. They called me to come home quick, I was over to the neighbors, and see the new colt.

Then we waited and waited and waited some more for GoGo to have her baby. They were both due the same time but one went early and one late. GoGo finally had her baby on May 29th at about 11:00pm. I was out running kids to and from after school parties when we discovered the new filly. Both moms and colts are doing great. If you want to stop by and see them, I am more than happy to show them off.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Coral Pink Sand Dunes & Pipe Springs March 2009

As we drove to Kanab and back we listened to a great book called the Candy Shop Wars. Every time we got in the truck we had to turn it on. We would recommend it to everyone.

We went to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes and also went down to Pipe Springs in Arizona. It was a great trip and the hotel even had an indoor pool, so that of course made it even better.